      First of all, welcome to the central site of the Terran Alliance, also refered to as merely Terra. This is where general information on Terras work and workings can be found, all of it freely accessable. The site is split up into a handful of sections, all of which explain some aspect of Terra. To ease the quick overview for newcomers, most sections have an attached FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) subsection, accesible through the small question mark ("?") in the upper left corner, and all of these are connected to the general FAQ accessable from the front page. If you are new to the site, or simply have not done so before, please take time to fill out the Questionaire once you have had a look around. If you find Terra interesting enough to involve yourself with, there is an Application form, too.
      As for Terra itself, it is a small organization, started by an interest in working for an improved and united world ("Terra" means Earth, making this the Alliance of Earth. Terran Alliance just had a better ring to it), as well as a dislike for the way most other voluntary organizations of the field do their work. It is small, but it does not thrive on size. Instead, it gets its strength from the creativity and helpfulness of those who share its goals. It runs budget-free, making membership absolutely free! But all this is explained in greater detail elsewhere.
      Terra has no special allegiance to existing political or religious institutions, and it is open to anyone. Being a "member" of Terra mostly consists of keeping an eye on what is done, and perhaps throwing in your own time and ideas. Some are given more continuous assignments, but this depends on what you feel up to. Some such assignments are that of Ambassadors and Representatives. The former keep Embassy sites up to date, while the latter represent an area or a group of people, letting the rest know what they are doing, and keeping the area or group up to date with what is going on in the rest of the Alliance [Note: For a while, these will have little or no presence, as work is currently going on to establish them]. Most coordination is done via the Internet, which is the cheapest and easiest, but the work is done in "the real world".
      With that clear, there remains little but all the rest. Enjoy!